Wizz.com - Flash Report

Flash Report

Price Reports
Scrap Commodity Pricing and Recycling Market Trend Information

Wizz.com is a member of a worldwide network of regional online exchanges which facilitate the trade of scrap and recyclable commodities. Activity from the online exchanges contributes source data to ScrapIndex.com.
ScrapIndex.com compiles price data from the network of online exchanges, ROCs Reports and other external data, including surveys, to produce a variety of price reports.

Current Spot Market Price Reports
Daily Spot Market Prices by the category
Available for online viewing with a Basic Membership
Daily Spot Market Prices
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Multi-Year Price Summarys
Annual price summary of the historical high, low and yearly average of the spot market prices by specific grade of material.

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Monthly Average Market Price Summarys
Annual and Monthly high, low and average price summary by the calender year (for multiple years) of the spot market prices by specific grade of material.

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12 Month Summary Reports
Summary for the past twelve month period of the Monthly high, low and average market prices by individual grade of scrap material. Includes the historical daily spot market prices for each month

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Snapshot Price Reports
Detailed report of the daily spot market prices over a 90 day period by individual grade of scrap materials.
Current Month to date - updating daily until the end of the month
Previous two (2) months daily price chart & graph

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Historical Price Reports
  • Monthly, Quarterly, Annually - Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Historical Market Price Reports are available for purchase by specific grade of material. (available on a Pay Per Lead credit package only)
  • Quarterly & Annually - Quarterly and Annual Historic Market Price reports available by specific grade(s) of material.

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Composite Index Reports
Track the changing market trends across the spectrum of the recycling (secondary materials) marketplace.
Access to Daily Spot Market Prices, by the category included in composite index

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Heartbeat Reports
Track the current price and market trends for groupings of secondary commodites.

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Price Reports Overview

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Thursday, 21-Jul-2022 09:45:27 EDT - File No: 432