Wizz.com - What's Big
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Composting & Organic Fertilizers | Buy or Sell | |
Rendering and Protein Wastes | Buy or Sell | |
Processed/Packaged Food Wastes | Buy or Sell | |
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A large volume of waste consisting of both Plant and
Animal ByProducts
are generated on a daily basis that require proper sanitary treatment.
The recovery of proteins or calorific values from
Food Wastes
through processes such as
may produce a number of
Soil Amendments
Animal Feed Supplements.
Processes such as rendering may convert a number of Animal or
Cereal By-Products
into concentrated feed meals.
ByProducts from
production and
Brewers & Distillers Grains
make excellent cattle feeds.
and produce waste make excellent pig feeds.
Used Vegetable Oil
is commonly used to produce
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